Validation de documents par code QR

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22 janv. 2024

In the digital era, ensuring security and efficiency in document validation is crucial. LibreSign, a leader in digital signature innovation, redefines the experience by introducing document validation through QR Code. This article will discuss how this functionality not only reinforces security but also provides greater agility in verifying digitally signed documents.

The validation of digital signature authenticity is quick and easy with the scanning of the code on the document. This eliminates time-consuming and complicated processes, providing a straightforward verification experience.

Using QR Code for validation not only adds a layer of security but also promotes transparency by providing instant access to essential details such as date, time, and signer identification. This transparency builds trust among the involved parties and makes the process clearer and more effective.

Moreover, LibreSign is compatible with various platforms, making document validation even more accessible. With the use of QR Code, it's possible to validate documents anywhere, whether on mobile devices or computers.

Another advantage of QR Code usage in LibreSign is the reduction of paper consumption. Since validation is done digitally, there's no need to print documents to validate signatures, contributing to environmental preservation.

With all these advantages, QR Code validation in LibreSign becomes an efficient solution for companies and individuals seeking a secure and swift way to validate digital documents. Don't waste time on bureaucratic processes; try LibreSign now to explore new paths in document verification.